Friday, November 29, 2002

The Weirdest Dream Of All

I was in a church. Well, not a church was more like a stadium, with rows and rows of seats. The church was packed and down near the...well...stage, I guess, that's what it looked like, was someone preaching. He was talking about how all of us were sinners and other things about religion. I was up near the top, behind some glass, listening to his sermon from small speakers. I forgot what he said, but then he asked the congregation to do something, like confess sins or whatever. And as they were thinking about it, the screen switched on with a bible quote or a question or something and little keypads popped out from the backs of the chairs. The people were entering in something, like numbers or letters. The screen was remarkable though; the quotation or whatever on the screen had a red background, with a Coca-Cola symbol on the top middle of it. Like an endorsement. I crept closer, right down an aisle, not believing what I saw and wondering if anyone had the same slow sinking feeling I had. Then the screen went blank and the preacher called on a man. "I am a sinner," he began, "I can see things, like into the future and I know what people are thinking and a whole bunch of things like that. I can't help it, it just happens. I am so sorry to God and everyone else that these things happen." He gave an example of something that he did. Then the preacher started saying, "You see, there's a sinner. The Devil is working through him, confusing him...." and on and on he went. Suddenly I noticed the people. They were all nodding in agreement. But the looks on their faces...they were blank looks. Like everything he said they'd agree with no matter what it was. Suddenly I couldn't take it anymore. "NO!" I shouted. "That's NOT what it is. If God bestows a gift upon someone, who are you to say that it is evil? If you use it manipualte other people, get them to do what you want, then it is evil. But if you use it to help someone, it isn't evil. And if God didn't want him to have it, God wouldn't have given it to him." I looked around, and the people just sat there in silence. The person who had "confessed" their "sins" looked at me horror. "Don't you see?" I yelled. "It isn't evil. It's what you do with it that counts...."

And I then I woke up.

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