Saturday, December 07, 2002

And Now For Something Random...

How To Be Bar Mouse Without Really Trying

A typical conversation in The Palace Of Rock:
"So...what's your name?"


"Mouse?...Aww, c'mon, what's your real name?"

"I do have a real name. Here I'm 'Mouse'. You can call me Mouse."

Always pay. Always be jovial. And don't heckle the band too much. Be pleasant, don't barf on the floor, and never spill your beer. It always helps to have writing and/or reading inplements. Keep to yourself, but don't be afraid to join in conversations or reject anyone who talks to you (with the exception of creepy dirty old men...and young, cute men who act like dirty old men don't count!). Never raise a stink at last call. Leave at last call and attempt to get everyone to go with you.

Work Can Be Amusing

Over the loudspeaker: "Paging Rob, your cat is here..." At least, that's what it sounded like. I sat there for a moment, and not wanting to really work and share the amusement, I turned to my coworker and said, "Did you just hear that announcement? It sounded like he said 'cat'." He said, "Yeah, that's what I thought he said too..." and then we cracked enough jokes until we were in stitches. I laughed so hard I had tears in my eyes. Like, the cat's pacing around the lobby and saying, "You better get him down here RIGHT NOW." It has to be one pissed off cat to come to work to bother his owner. This poor Rob guy's coworkers are trying not to laugh, and as he walks by, they're like, "It's your cat again, isn't it, Rob?" and Rob replies "Yes" as he tries to slink out of the office to go see what his cat wants while his coworkers are giggling in his wake and saying, "Man, that's really pussywhipped...."

How To Have Too Much Fun

Programs that let you draw, even better if there's more than one person doodling. I have a picture that two of my friends and I worked was pretty funny. You can get some interesting results. A friend and I were doodling and came up with some of the most interesting depictions of Christmas symbols lit on fire. Because it just isn't Christmas unless it's lit on fire.

And now I must go. I've been listening to music and I think I have to go make a CD. I hate this utter addiction to music. (Well, not really....)

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