Friday, September 15, 2006

So I was in WalMart buying stuff to organize with, when I came upon the most horrificly tacky splendor EVER.  In fact, I was so in awe of this abomination, that I stood in the aise shaking my head and muttering to myself, basking in its full and awful tacky glory.  If you have a sensitive stomach, I do not recommend looking further, as this is not for the faint of heart:

Yes, folks, that is the 6-foot inflatable snowglobe with a motor to blow the snow pellets on the characters.  But then, something else caught my eye.  OH. MY. GOD.  There was something EVEN TACKIER featured right next to it!

For $139.96, you too can sell your soul to Satan and make the baby Jesus cry!  Why, yes, Virginia, there is such a thing as a 8-foot Rotating Carousel Christmas Airblown Inflatable!  And I do suggest that you go see it in the store.  You really can't grasp the true horror of this unwieldy lawn orniment until you actally see it in action.

On the upside of this terrible discovery, I have now altered my plans of sightseeing the Worst Displays of Christmas to include a quest to find the tacky, heartless soul who puts these hideous mannifestations of the pagan holiday on their front lawn. Thank God I took the Friday before Christmas off of work!