Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Holding babies is the awesomest thing in the world. I especially like the part where I can give them back.

Well, things at the dentist went awesomely, and now my teeth look EVEN BETTER. I'm happy about it. In a couple of weeks, I get my upper wisdom teeth removed, thank god, and I will dance for joy! Now I'm wondering if I should even call B, seeing as how I'm prolly gonna be busy. It would be two weeks next week, and I've got stuff to do. Maybe I'll call on Friday, see if he wants to go out for an hour or two. Whatever.

I'm glad I'm getting a sewing machine on my birthday. I'll be able to sew! Well, after I learn how to use the damn thing. This will certainly be an adventure.

All in all, things looking up! Finally. September can suck my big minty dick.

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