Sunday, September 01, 2002

Hoopla and Such

They're making a big fucking deal out of the September 11 anniversary. Of course, whatever dedications there will be, most will be fraught with commercialism and poignancy or symbolism or anything worth weight. That makes me angry. When the hell is everyone going to wake up? I'm trapped in a nightmare of crazy people who think that the rest of the world will one day run us and that we have the right to bomb whatever the hell we want. I hate to burst their bubble...BUT WE'RE NOT IN A COLD WAR ANYMORE! We shouldn't be the police force of the world...but here our government sits, itching to bomb the hell out of Iraq. Just because we don't like their leader doesn't give us the right to go ahead and kill lots and lots of people. I was reading a commemorative issue of a news magazine, and I saw the term "just war" used. Can't we get out of the middle ages? What the hell? We did what we needed to do, now it's time to move on. We should forget about Iraq unless they actually do something. And the "war" on terror? Doesn't anyone remember Vietnam? Or is it just relegated to a footnote in our history? Look at how well we've done on the "war" on poverty and on drugs. WHY DO YOU PEOPLE THINK IT'S GOING TO WORK? It's times like this that I just want to run away to Germany and live there.....

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