Thursday, August 11, 2005


Read this post about Men vs The American Evil Feminist Influence.

I remember, having a discussion with Mr AssHat. One of the things he didn't like about me was that I am overweight. Oh, that didn't take away from the respect he had for my mind [insert a loud, resounding HA! here]. Oh, and he didn't like a post somewhere because the post pretty much talked about all of the mysigonistic characteristics of the Men Who Like Asian Women. Because, you know, he likes the Asian Woman. She's short, thin, and smart. But the whole smart thing, that Asians are smarter (or more math and science geared) than Americans, is a myth, too. Given that I've dated him, I also think the "won't challenge my brilliance and will put up my ridiculous shit" part appeals to him as well. Women are women, fer chrissakes. Some of us will give men blow jobs just so we have a crack at freedom (or just crack, but that's a whole 'nother story...). Others just won't put up with your shit. Women are women everywhere, and don't think that just because it's on the other side, that the grass is any greener (or if you're creepy, nonexistant). Women in Nigeria threatened to shame a company and the men by stripping...women demand respect for their rights the world over. Our message: We got what you want, and don't FUCK with us, motherfucker, and we know you are. We talked to her. How long would any patricarchial system last if every single woman in the world refused that seemingly basic desire? What if we, even in our horniest moments, refused to give out what some men so desperately seek? What if every single one of us carried a sign that read, "We Won't Put Up With Your Shit".

What does it take to get every single man on earth to realize that we are fucking people, too? Not the good ones, who know that we are, who are forced to raise their voices to defend us because other men won't listen to us. I want a world where these guys don't have to do that, where I can express an opinion without another person calling me an "angry lesbian", and that the guys who get it don't get called "pussies".

What does it fucking take?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen. Not that it makes it right or understandable, but it took a very long time for those values to be imposed. Generations upon generations. Changing them is also going to take a long time. I hope that the ground we (men and women) can break today will help lay the foundation for true equality.