Thursday, January 29, 2009

Cat Guys.

When I think about it, I seem to attract a lot of guys who have cats. They're generally nice guys, a few have the occasional bout with assholeness, but on the whole, decent human beings. I've gone to guy's houses for a romp or two, and it turns out that almost everyone's got cats.

Which would be no big deal, except that I'm HIGHLY ALLERGIC to cats. I mean, we're talking can-take-an-allergy-pill-and-it-never-works-around-cats kind of highly allergic. If I've been drinking, there's a point at which I Must Leave NOW, Or Be Subject To Puking Bile.

This is why, no matter how rational I can be about lots of things, I believe in God/Deity. Because there is no way that almost every time, I keep running into guys who have cats who will find me marginally attractive enough to sleep with me. And if they don't have cats currently, it's because they can't afford it, but once they can, they're gonna get one. It's not that I hate cats; I love LOLcats and pictures of kitties, and will stare at all the cute cats available for adoption on the WI Humane Society's website with longing. I just can't be around them.

This is further evidence of a Sky Fairy Fucker, to go along with the gay guy, that if he wasn't gay or I was a guy, we'd at least get along pretty good dating-wise, because we're a lot alike.

I fucking give up. I can't win. I'll spend a good portion of my life alone, and if I ever make an income that will allow me to have a child without being coupled, I'm going for it, because I'll never win at this. Never.

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