Saturday, August 26, 2006

Hiding in the Shadows

I want a space where only the random stranger can see me. So it's off to myspace for everyone else, and just me here. Which is what I want. Sometimes, I want to be alone. Alone in the distance, away from the crowd, to stand back and enjoy a cacophonously serene moment, before I plunge back into the crowd. Like a moment of Zen at a crowded, noisy bar. To live in the spaces of others, in the cracks, unknown, unloved and alone. To be seen and unseen, observe the world from within, because I see myself in their eyes, shades of being and feeling. My reflections from afar, unweary and unknowing, still clinging to the ever-dwindling supply of the commdity hope. But yet, take heart, for all that is needed is but an ounce, a modest amount, you will agree.

Alone in the Night.

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