Friday, July 08, 2016

Why we can't have nice things

The first thing I thought of when I heard this was that white people were trying to start a race war. Instead, people decided that it was a good idea to kill a bunch of cops.

We don't have just a gun problem in this country, we also have a problem with hate speech. The combination of the two breeds a particularly toxic stew.

This has got to stop. We can't keep killing each other. The othering of literally everyone but white American males needs to stop. Plenty of people were born here and they're not all white and why the motherfucking hell people can't just accept that angers me.

After Hurricane Katrina, I saw a message posted on a message board, presumably by a white person, who said "Now the country will know about the quality of our blacks". I wanted to say, "I'm sorry to shatter your illusions, sir, but the quality of white people isn't that great either, especially assholes like you." There has always been this type of culture in America and its poisonous, revolting, and vile and really needs to go.

As a patriotic American, I am appalled at the people who would steal liberty and freedom from other Americans and enjoy or justify it with glee. The problem with good guys with guns is is that the bad guys have them too, and nobody has a gun radar that goes off in the presence of a gun and tells you where it is or if a person is a good guy or a bad guy. Bullets don't care who the hell you are they just kill.

This is the flipside of stoking racial animosity toward anyone not white in order to get votes. Sure it gets you the votes, but how many votes are you really going to get when everyone's dead because we had to fight the Civil War all over again?

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