Saturday, November 01, 2008

This is Awesome:

Updated: Ok, so I can't stop watching this. I have the compulsion to view it several times a day, I still laugh my ass off at it. Every. Single. Time. So I thought I'd put a poem that wrote long ago to go with it:

Ode to Love
Love - thy devil's name
Curse the hearts of wicked and tame
One mortal's soul hungers for the other
The other, repulsed, slinks away in horror
And Cupid's heart-wrenching lance
Causes Love to kill by chance.
And Satan, in attractiveness,
Fools mortals with "Eternal Bliss".
The deep, dank, dark pit of Love,
Swirling above it, vultures like doves,
Waiting for those words-turned-lies,
Scrape and pick out Aphrodite's eyes.
Beauty, skin deep and vain,
Showers them in flaming rain.
The heart is red, that's no mistake,
As blood forms at lovers' feet a lake.
The mortal, thinking all is good,
Will end up demon's worship food,
While angels play marionette with feelings,
And the soul itself trusts, revealing
Past hurts and hates that want revenge,
Cupid, a bloody smile, says "Avenge".
And Love sets up another trap
For some other pathetic helpless sap.

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