Monday, June 04, 2007


Is this thing on?

Lo, how I hated for the new blogger to rear it's ugly head. I finally became one with the collective.

And it's quiet over here. No "Friends" crap. Just me and you. *Sigh* All those good times.

And like an addictive personality, I've come back to my first true love.

I tend to write drunken and angry screeds. Here, no big deal. At that other place, not so good. So you may only see drunken screeds here for awhile. But really, I'm thinking of just giving up that other place, because I don't care. It's too silly for me, and just logging into it, I can feel the winds of vapidity sweeping through my brain. And the ads...god, those or wherever ads are seriously motherfucking creepy. I don't like to be alone in this world, but at the same time, we all alone with ourselves. Here I feel freer to write what I want, because unless you're part of a feed, 7 people don't instantly read your stuff like they're trained monkeys or something. I bank on the fact that really no one reads this, and the majority of blogging public doesn't care, not to mention the beautifulness of just random strangers reading through a few sections. I don't care if you laugh or cry out of enjoyment or boredom. I personally don't think I'm that interesting, though last night I stayed up late to read a flamewar between two groups of people...and those that thought they were righteous were pretty sickening. The cognitive dissonance was startling. I honestly think there's something about the line that sometimes people who are abused will turn around and abuse other people, because these people were grossly abusive. I really don't who the hell in the world you are, what gives you the motherfucking right to stomp all over someone else? That you think you're right? Or that your credentials give you some sort of pass from having to act like a motherfucking human being with compassion? Or is the fact that somehow you've embodied the paternalistic attitudes of your oppressors - sounding like the "Good Liberals" of colonial days - somehow escaping you?

Like I told a friend, "Religion" isn't the impediment to progress, but the interpretation of Religion by men (and women, too). So many people have thumped the bible with their agendas and fear of progress and other people...there's a longstanding tradition of using the most convenient method of controlling other people. Religion is merely the window dressing for appealing to our darker impulses, granting ourselves immunity from the morals that we pretend to believe in. If not Religion, then something else, some other cloak with which to hide our diseased minds. And I'm not talking about the Bible give a divinely inspired book more weight than the words of God or the actions of Jesus is a gross misuse of the concepts of belief and faith. And by being Christian myself, I know that I share the sins of the less tolerant and enlightened of those who believe. Some people ask why there aren't any moderate Christians...and I think they miss the fact that those who torture in the name of Jesus and steal money from taxpayers under the guise of "abstinence only" are the loudest, most dangerous, most well-connected crazies who infect and poison everyone they touch, taking great care to appeal to the worst impulses humans have. It's not that they're not "true Christians" - I'm sure they believe they are. They're just Christian monsters. They scanned the Bible for ways to justify their warped view of the world, in order to control and dominate people, attacking the vulnerable and appealing to greedy. I find it no good comfort that we don't have good, solid treatment centers for those who suffer from addiction, and instead have a patchwork system of safehouses with obligatory praying. How the hell is that really going to help most people? That almost seems like emotional extortion. If someone wants to go that route, fine, but for most people, there isn't a choice. And that is really disgusting. If someone wants to "find Jesus", it's not like He isn't hiding in the motel room night table.

Which kind of brings me back to the flamewar. It wasn't about religion, but that doesn't mean the same elements of control and dominance were not displayed. Oh, they were, in spades, and not so oddly enough, only by two or three people...who were the loudest and most prolific on the thread. It doesn't matter if you do or don't believe in god/God/Flying Spaghetti Monster, you are still susceptible to the same impulses as the rest of us.

Or, as my friend Brandar put it, "Get over yourself."

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