Sunday, June 02, 2013

Just Laugh, You Silly

In the middle of the street, this line just sits there.  l really try not to take myself seriously. I mean, yeah there will be times that l have to be serious but fuck it, doesn't have to be all the time.

The thing about fun is that it's addictive.  I always fall for that moment when you click with someone and can't stop thinking about them but I'm always cautious with myself because I know I'm awkward and weird and a little offputting at times.  It doesn't help that sometimes my enthusiasm is mistaken for desparation.

[pensive acoustic guitar music]

(I love closed captioning, especially descriptions of the music playing...I wouldn't have described the music as "pensive".)

But I am me and there's not much I can do about it.  So I'll just laugh and see where the journey takes me.

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