One of my favorite things to look at is horrible recipes. I suppose that's why I'll page through a Rachel Ray cookbook (though most of her stuff isn't all that bad, but sometimes she comes up with WTF stuff...not as bad as Paula Deen or Sandra Dee).
I love this collection of old Weight Watchers recipes. It's awful. Or the Gallery of Regrettable Food. And other sites about horrible food.
The nice thing is that I inherited my mother's cookbook collection. And wow, there's just some pretty awful stuff in there. "Kraft Dinner with Cucumber Sauce" or "Chicken Noodle Aspic". Seriously, was everyone completely tanked throughout the 50s? Or was it all that Valium that mother took? Jesus, almost anything "aspic" is horrible (tomato aspic with a few veggies doesn't seem so bad, but when you start adding things like lettuce or crab or Kraft dinner, no thanks!) It just seems like these would be things that would only sound like a good idea if you've had a few cocktails and heavy sedatives.
I also like the taglines on these things - "Salads - 'Tossed' and otherwise", "Try these gay tidbits!" Really, they're a stitch.
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