Saturday, July 18, 2009

I think I'm gonna do it.

I will probably be mocked mercilessly by friends, and I'm very sure that men will run screaming when they see it. But you see, I have to put something on my wall. It looks a bit bare. And it's really the only thing I have to put on the wall.

Ok, I could go out and buy something more tasteful that doesn't scream "total dork", but I've only had the poster for years, and I'd kinda like to display it.

Just not in my living room. That would be bad. Besides, I have the masks and family pictures there. And the Star Trek Pez dispensers. And the Darth Maul mug.

The Darth Maul figurine is in the bedroom...why not put up the Darth Maul poster I have? It's not like I have a shrine to Darth Maul, mostly because it would be obvious then. I'll mitigate any dorkiness by adding the "Women of Science" poster...oh, wait.

I'm screwed, aren't I?

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