Little bits of memory
tied up into jewelry
a fluffy concoction
of ruby, diamond, white gold.
What it once stood for
now no longer remains
and will never be more.
A symbol of love and dreams,
of adorable children,
of life forever together,
of communication and honesty.
But somewhere along the way,
the hopes and dreams faded away,
dying a slow, prolonged death,
until they rested in earth.
This ring I hereby give,
reflects not happiness,
but pain and broken promises,
sparkling so harshly in light
a broken trust.
There are no more days of torment
for such a beautiful adornment,
each day numbered for its last.
When it is gone there will be
just a smile and memory,
no reflections of sparkles,
just a piece of jewelery.
On a lighter note, I still stand by my statement that if a guy wants to form a lifelong commitment with me, instead of buying a ring, he can buy me a Wii. If someone needs to mark his property, what better way than to keep me indoors away from other men than video games? Plus, it's cheaper, and we can play together. I would prefer none of that claptrap anyway, but it seems like it really matters more to men than to me. Of course, if I do manage to sell The Ring, I could always put the money toward a Wii of my very own.
Engagement rings are my kryptonite. I'd run screaming from it. Or, better yet, throw The Precious into a lake of fire. (Right now I can't stop laughing at the image of me fighting with a guy, him going "My Precious", and trying to throw the ring into the fiery lake. GOD, I'm such a geek! It helps NOTHING that I'm short...)
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