More OkCupid Fun.
I'd think that I'll post questions/answers here, where no one will see them!
5 hours in a car with a friend...
Yay, a road trip! How about 10 hours?
Could be enjoyable.
If where we're going is worth it, okay.
No way, that's too long to spend in a car.
However, it depends on the friend.
Do you feel as though the craziest, most experimental stage of your life is in the past, or has yet to come?
It's in the past.
It's yet to come
I'm living it now.
I haven't and don't plan on having such a stage.
Uh, I don't know. Maybe? I haven't lived most of my life yet, so how the hell am I supposed to know?
Imagine that your partner enjoys smelling various parts of your body, especially after you had a long day or just exercised. Would you want them to do so?
Only after I have taken steps to be clean.
What the fuck? How the hell am I supposed to answer that? Like would they make it mandatory for me to stand there and be sniffed?
Genital piercings...
Make me hot
Ouch, no thanks.
No opinion / Not sure
On who? Me? The other person? Because if it's me, not on your fucking life. But do whatever floats your boat.
Could you date someone related to someone responsible for heinous acts? For example, if he or she was the sibling of a convicted serial killer or descendent of a Nazi war criminal?
I'm Not Sure
Only if they don't truly agree with the act. If they're like, "Oh, Uncle Oskar used to gas Jews. Isn't that funny?", I'd not only run away, I'd run away screaming.
How do you feel about foreskins?
I hate them
I like them
I'm indifferent
Oh, they're great! Nothing like throwing a few on and drinking some cider on a cold winter's day!
If you could do any of the following before meeting someone new (without them knowing), which would you do?
Run a full background check on them.
Obtain copies of all of their mail and email.
Obtain medical records including recent STD exam.
I wouldn’t do any of the above.
Oh, let's is an invasion of privacy, two as far as the mail goes is illegal, three is VERY that leaves four, as it should be.
"I don't lie, I just don't say all that I could!" Is this the same as lying?
Yes, absolutely,
No, but it's close.
No, not at all.
I'm not sure.
Just what the hell is the question really asking? This really depends on what the subject is talking about. How the fuck can I even begin to answer this without more information?
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