Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Fun on OkCupid.

Oh, well...apparently I pissed someone off enough that they couldn't handle my "eleventy-billion" (real number: 62) blog posts about questions on OkCupid. So I'll post the better ones here! Take that, Douchebag! (He really did look kinda douchey...I'm betting that he thinks women generally talk too much - studies have proven that we really don't.)

Imagine you have an identical twin. You've had many sexual experiences, but they remain a lonely and frustrated virgin. Would you secretly swap places to give them 'a piece of the action'?

* Yes.
* No.

See, here is where I wish there was a "Possibly" or "Not Sure" option. I think that if my twin wasn't hitting it off with the men/women, I'd first give them advice if that's what they wanted. But if my twin was a complete entitled asshole, I'd be less inclined to help until they got over themselves. Because sometimes a lonely and frustrated virgin should remain that way until they grow up a little - "not being ready" or "not wanting to" is different than sending the creepy and desperate vibes.

Would you ever be willing to skip out on responsibilities (such as work, school, or such) to stay at home and have sex with someone?

* Yes. Sex always comes first.
* Yes. Occasionally.
* No. Never.

Sometimes you need a mental health day. And sometimes good mental health involves sex. But it also depends...I only get four sick days a year now, so calling in sick now wouldn't be an option. I'd consider it at the end of the year if I had days left. Otherwise, that's what vacation days are for.

Which of the following is the most admirable endeavor?

* Working to feed the homeless.
* Working to preserve an endangered species.
* Serving one's country in the military.
* Devoting oneself to religious/spiritual pursuits.

Actually, my answer is E - all of the above. I think that all of these activities are admirable equally - no one selection is more admirable than the other. People are different, with different choices in life and different paths and interests. Which is great, because I believe all of these things are important.

Do you like to gag girls?

* Yes
* No
* I'm Not Sure

Against will or with consent? Because that really, really makes a difference. If it's against their will - well, are you on here looking for your next victim? If so, I'll pass. If it's with consent, then it's no big deal. Not my cup of tea personally, but I don't care if that's what other people are into.

Do you feel like a 'complete' person when you are not in a relationship?

* Yes
* No
* I'm Not Sure
* I never feel entirely complete

I never feel entirely complete
I'm a work in progress. I've also been referred to as "a piece of work", but really, I've still got a while to go on the Journey of Life.

Love without pain is like food without flavor.

* True
* False

WTF? I think I'm going to visit the Emo Wall and cry.

Should the recipient give back an engagement ring if the engagement is broken off?

* Yes.
* No.
* Only if the recipient initiates the break up.

From the perspective of actually having been engaged, I would say this really depends on the preceding relationship and the breakup. I still have the ring - and if you find that creepy...well, it's okay, sometimes I find it creepy too. (I don't know if I can actually wear it again, for what it represents. It's really a nice piece of jewelery that I'm hesitant to give up, but what good is it if I can't bring myself to wear it again? So far, it's just a really nice and fairly expensive dust collector.) I have, however, offered numerous times to give it back ("Are you sure you don't want it back? You do have school loans...") and he wouldn't take it back. If he had said "Yes" I would have given it back. I did help him pay it off, though, because I wouldn't accept that he had to pay it off even though I broke off the engagement. But it wasn't a hostile break up or anything. Under less reasonable circumstances, it's really hard to say. It is a gift, and the gift-giver doesn't have the right to demand a gift back, no matter how expensive it is. I certainly think that the gift-giver should be offered the option to take it back, but that's my personal preference. The person who bought it may be out of a lot of money, however, that's the risk they take by buying it - it may not work out, and they just have to accept that. My own feeling on engagement rings? BAH. Do I really need a shiny bauble to mark me as a man's property, though we have no formal legal connection yet? No, but if he does want to give me one, I'll accept (or reject) it graciously. I will say, though, if a guy gave me something else (say, a Wii) as a way to propose, that might be nice.

How much communication is ideal during sex?

* A lot! It's all about the talk.
* Just enough to get things right.
* None. Shut up so I can concentrate.

Just enough to get things right.
I also don't like to talk with my mouth full. :)

Would you let your children under 13 watch movies with full nudity?

* Yes
* No

Depends on the movie. "Lesbian Biker Sluts Sucking Cock" would be an entirely inappropriate movie for anyone under 18. "Schindler's List", however, is a different kind of movie that I may let someone under 13 see. (And if you thought people being gassed naked is sexy or erotic, I DO NOT want to know you.)

Do you think parents who smoke in cars with very young children should be punished?

* Yes.
* No.

I don't think it's a good idea, and I certainly wouldn't smoke with children in the car, but "punished"? Should we punish parents for letting their children eat McDonald's at all? If someone wants to be a bad parent, I don't think that you're really going to stop them.

Imagine you are in a serious long-term relationship and have decided it is best to break it off. Just before you can tell your partner, he or she gives you the following news: "I have been diagnosed with cancer and probably only have one year to live."

* I'd still break it off as planned.
* I'd stay with my partner and never mention it.
* I'd reconsider, but eventually discuss it.

I'd still break it off as planned.
But that doesn't mean that I wouldn't still care, if they needed me for support.

How do you feel about putting children on leashes?

* I do not approve of this.
* I approve of this.
* I might approve under special circumtances.
* I could not care less.

I approve of this.
It's important for children to interact with the world around them, and tying them down into the stroller just doesn't seem right. A leash allows the child to still explore, but also mitigates some of the risk if the child is a wanderer or runner. Some children behave nicely, others do not, and even well-behaved children have their moments. It strikes a nice balance between giving children some independence to explore without tying them down to a stroller or yelling at them every five seconds. I do believe it has it's place though; leashes should be used as the situation warrants. The playground? No. The fairgrounds? Yes.

Would you consider dating someone who is in the process of getting divorced?

* Yes.
* No.

Possibly. If the ex-spouse is psychotic (and by that I mean according to DSMV or otherwise generally has the potential to seriously harm themselves or others), then no, because it's most likely going to get ugly, if it hasn't already. If it's a relationship that's otherwise worth pursuing, then it's worth waiting the extra time.

Would you consider using drugs prescribed by a psychiatrist to improve your personality?

* Yes.
* No.

Uh, just what is meant by "improve your personality"? Are we talking about "improving" to a Stepford Wife kind of personality? Or are we talking about "you have clinical depression, and anti-depressants will help" improvement of personality?

Suppose one day, your spouse comes home and announces that the two of you will be forever taken care of financially, but only so long as the details remain secret to you, else you will both face financial ruin. How much would this bother you?

* A lot, I could not live like that.
* A little, but my money and I would get over it.
* Not at all. Show me the money.

Does it involve drugs, sex trafficking, child prostitution, killing/maiming people, total destruction of the environment, forcing people into abject poverty or war? Because if the answer to that is no, I can live with it. I'd be willing to accept financial ruin if it prevents any of the above from happening, but since it is one question of which I will not know the exact answer to, I think that still qualifies it as secret. However, I reserve the right to divorce such a person if they're engaging in any of the above things.

Which of the following would you most expect to determine from a first date?

* Sexual compatibility.
* Emotional compatibility.
* Spiritual compatibility.
* Financial compatibility.

Emotional compatibility.
Actually, the only thing I'd try to determine from a first date is if there's potential for a second one.

In a certain light, wouldn't nuclear war be exciting?

* Yes, it would
* No

I'm sorry, but after seeing pictures of the victims at Nagasaki, NO. WHY ON EARTH WOULD YOU ASK THIS? Who the hell goes, "Wow, most of your flesh has burned off, isn't this GREAT?" or "WOOHOO! I'm REALLY enjoying this nuclear winter!" or "Watch this - all of my hair is falling out! Isn't that COOL?"
You know, I had friend who thought that nuclear war would be exciting. He imagined himself as the leader of a group of survivors and who would have young nubile women throwing themselves at him. This is, of course, from the same guy who could barely remember what he did yesterday and practically made his girlfriend support him. I actually think he'd end up as one of the cannibal thugs from Lucifer's Hammer.
Is your life so exciting that the only thing to top it would be nuclear war?

Are geeks sexy?

* Yes
* No

Where's the "HELL YES" option?

Would you consider to have a serious relationship with someone that has tried to commit suicide?

* Yes
* No

Depends. If they have tried working through their feelings and emotions for a period of time and are doing much better now, I would consider it. If the attempt was just last week, and they're still feeling suicidal, then I'd have to say no. I'd still hope that they get better though.

Some people just don't deserve to be in a relationship -- agree or disagree?

* Agree
* Disagree

I don't know about this one, and it's about the word deserve. No one deserves to be in a relationship at all. Are there people who should not be in relationships? Yes, definitely.

Who has the more honorable profession: a teacher who cultivates young minds or a soldier who defends your country?

* Teacher
* Soldier

I hate questions like these, as I see both of these professions as equally honorable. Both are underpaid and undervalued, and it's damn shame.

Are you turned off when your lover farts, complains about bowel movements, or exhibits any other human characteristics as such?

* Yes
* No

I'm not so much turned off, as I just don't care. But I don't like when people make a big to-do about it. That kind of annoys me. You farted, so what? You want a medal? If you clog the toilet, use the plunger. What would be a big turn off would be saying, "Hey, I'm gonna go pinch a log..." Is that really necessary? Most people just use the bathroom, and be done with it. Or "Whew, it stinks in here!" while coming out of the bathroom. Why, yes, shit does in fact stink...I'm so glad that your nasal passages are now working so that you can now realize that. Of course, I don't actually say stuff like that to people if they do say things like that. But I'm thinking it.

Would you like to go on a five night spiritual retreat?

* Yes.
* No.

Catholic high school cured me of that.

Do you have a problem with people who wear fur clothing?

* Yes.
* No.

Real fur or fake fur? Whole outfit or just an article of clothing, like a jacket? I mean, if someone was wearing a real fur suit complete with hands sticking out of the mink's mouth or something, a real fur shirt, and a real fur jacket with a real fur hat, that might disturb me. I'd have to wonder why someone would try to wear as many dead animals on their person as they could. But if we're talking about a fake fur jacket, that's no big deal to me. Hell, I wear a fake fur jacket.

Imagine you are at a social event and your partner says something you disagree with strongly. Which of the following would you most likely do?

* I'd support them even though I disagree.
* I'd just keep quiet.
* I'd politely disagree.
* I'd argue my point aggressively.

I'd politely disagree.
Arguing vociferously is what the car and home are for.

Would you rather be the performer or in the audience/behind the scenes?

* Performer
* Audience
* Behind the Scenes

Honestly, depends on the role. I used to think that life was a stage, but now I'm more inclined to think it's performance art.

Facial hair on guys ...

* Great!
* it's okay
* I'm Not Sure
* Yuck!

I'm not terribly fond of the "Old Man of the Hills" kinda beard.

Have you ever spent more than 8 hours straight playing video games?

* Yes
* NO.
* Anyone who does is a loser.

I really like how the choices are the neutral "Yes", the completely capitalized "NO." (with a period, even!), and "Anyone who does is a loser". Hmm, was that a testy subject for somebody? Because I really don't care if anyone thinks I'm a loser for it. Just because I spent four days mostly playing Spyro the Dragon on Playstation 1, doesn't mean I do that ALL THE TIME.

If you got married, would you change your name?

* Yes
* No

This is going to sound absolutely terrible, but only if it was a cool last name and worked well with my first name. Otherwise, no. I would consider combining last names and seeing what we come up with, but it would still have to meet the above criteria. Or we could just come up with a last name that suits us both and change it.

Do you use "Jesus Christ" or "God damn it" when you curse?

* Yes
* Yes, but I regret it.
* No.
* I do not curse at all.

JESUS, what a stupid question!
And, of course, the answer is "Yes".

What volume level do you usually prefer when listening to music?

* Loud or louder.
* Somewhere in the middle.
* Soft and in the background.
* I prefer to not listen to music.

This depends on the song being played.

Imagine you're having the perfect conversation with your ideal partner. What are you doing?

* Telling stories
* Debating
* Agreeing
* Making plans

Making plans
...to take over the world!

Should you _have_ to know about your partner's previous sexual exploits?

* Yes, because it reflects on them as a person.
* No, the past is the past.

C. Not Sure
I don't have to know. But if it's something interesting that I've never done and will never do, it's actually kind of interesting to hear about it, depending on what it is.

You are in an art museum when a blind man deliberately starts a fire. He becomes separated from his guide dog and they are both wandering among the flames lost and confused. You face this decision; save the dog, save the arsonist or save an artwork.

* I'd save the arsonist.
* I'd save an artwork.
* I'd save the dog.
* To hell with that, I'd just save myself.

To hell with that, I'd just save myself.
Having been in fires (not major ones), my instant reaction is to run. I hear the alarms, and I'm gone.

Do you believe that a major goal of educational systems should be to make people "better members of society"?

* Yes.
* No.

With the caveat that by "better members of society" means that we have children educated to the best of their ability to adulthood, that they can think learn to think critically and for themselves.
If "better members of society" means sheep fodder to be exploited by corporations, then absolutely not. I felt that way in school, that we were just being trained as monkeys to be better capitalists but with no sense of liberty or rights.

If medical science completely eliminated all sexually transmitted disease, how would this affect who you would have sex with?

* I would have sex with MANY more people.
* I would have sex with more people.
* It would not affect who I have sex with.
* I would have sex with fewer people.

I would have sex with MANY more people.
Provided that they wanted to have sex with me, of course.

If your date told you they were in the pornogaphy business, in a non-sexual way (examples; camera operator, lighting, directing) would it bother you?

* Yes, a lot!
* Yes, a little.
* No, non-sexual's fine.
* No, I'd encourage them to join the cast!

And are there a ton of people on here who work in porn? Because why are there all these questions about people who work in porn?

Imagine that a friend asks you to read a short story they wrote. Unfortunately, you find it to be very boring. Which is closest to how you might respond when they ask you what you think of it?

* I'd pretend I like it.
* I'd offer constructive suggestions.
* I'd be very clear and honest.
* I'd tell them I haven't had time to read it yet.

As long as it's a draft and not published, it's still a work in progress, where you can edit and expand. I write, and it's never really finished until you decide it is...or you pick it up again after a year and rewrite it.

What would you think of a romantic prospect who uses childish language when being affectionate?

* I'd like it.
* I wouldn't like it.
* It would depend upon the situation.

Why isn't "I would kill them" a choice?

You're in a packed jet airliner on a flight home, when one of the flight attendants announces that both pilots are dead and requests that any other pilots identify themselves. None do. Who should land the jet?

* One of the flight attendants.
* A passenger chosen randomly.
* I should. I'm our best hope.
* I should. I am a pilot.

Uh, someone who knows how to land a plane?

How often should your significant other buy you gifts, jewelry, or other things more expensive than, say, dinner, cards, or flowers?

* Very frequently.
* From time to time.
* On special occasions (birthdays, Christmas, etc.).
* Never.

On special occasions (birthdays, Christmas, etc.)
And only if it's something I really want. Otherwise, I tend to ask for gifts along the lines of "Would you do my dishes?" and "I'd like a back rub for my birthday."

I wonder which one made Douchey feel that way. Was it the fact that there were so many of my opinions laying around, available for all of OkCupid to see? You know, it's not as if he had to read ANY of them. But I suppose he's got a point...no one likes a woman with opinions. At least, not the douchebags.

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