Sunday, September 22, 2002

Random Musings

My horoscope from
Both the Sun and Mercury are now in Libra, and inhabiting the section of your chart associated with spirituality and mysticism. This is the time of the year when aspects of your life and your activities seem to wind down, ready for the start of a new cycle, when the Sun moves into your own sign. You might find that it is your inner processes that seem to hold your attention, more than your outer activities. This week, whilst Mercury is retrograde, you have a rare chance for real reflection and for discovering the inner causes for any major ongoing problems that might have bugged you for some time. You also have a chance to discover what you really feel about your life and what areas of it you might like to change. Although you might not make as much progress as you would like, when it come to administrative matters or necessary letters and phone calls, you will be able to go a long way in terms of your inner growth. Love is made more spectacular by the presence of Venus in your sign, which promises some great dates, especially as it makes a square to Jupiter. This is one time when you can really cut loose and enjoy a truly romantic and passionate few days.

Fall is always the time of year that I feel change. Of course, my birthday's in the fall. Seriously, though, it's the coldish/cold weather that makes me feel alive. Forget the sweltering summer. I love the chilly weather. I love the night in the fall. It seems so much creepier, so much more like night. "Here's to the night/no sunlight/the moonlight in the dark..." (One of my poems...hehehehe.) It makes me want to cast out the demons and run through the empty streets screaming and crying in utter unrelenting joy until I run out of breath and collapse happily tired on the pavement of my city...any city, for I love the cold concrete of the urban wasteland. I feel more poetic in the fall...and the solution to all of my problems lays just a beer and a poem away. Fall is the time when I write more poetry than any other time. Winter is when I revise them, over long periods of time and hot coffee. Winter is for longer projects. Forget New Year's resolutions; my resolutions are made in the fall. Leaves rustling, cold rain, warm coffee, down comforters...there's nothing like cold weather to bring comfort to a hot-blooded soul. This time is always the time of change for me. Sometimes it feels like I put on a different personality for awhile. Maybe it's the real me; maybe it's the person I want to become. At any rate, it's a change, and the changes that are made are lasting. I love the fall...only in the cold rain of fall do I feel the rain washing away all that was wrong with me...and I find the redemption that I long for.

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