Saturday, September 21, 2002

And It Continues...

More drama. This is evil stuff. People harassing other people...I'm afraid that someone's going to get violent. Shades of before...things that have happened to other friends. I speak from experience and knowledge. This is horrible, and thing of it is, I wish they'd all go away so that I could sit in my coffee shop and read and write and drink coffee in peace. They don't understand that they're just as annoying as the person they're harassing. They don't understand that they have no right to tell anyone what to do/where to go...because if they think that, then apparently the same thing does not apply to them, that they're allowed to go and do whatever they want while telling other people what to do/where to go. I've got a suggestion for them: HELL! They can go there and sit 'n' spin on a flame for all I care. I never considered them my friends. I never really liked them to begin with. I wanted them gone the minute that I realized that they're foolish and stupid. Their very presence, at the very least, irked me. At worst, I wanted them gone. But no, I didn't harass them. You see...they're the popular people. I can't do that to them. But they can very well do it to someone else...and I don't want to wait around for my turn. I really don't. And no, I don't want to be friends with those kind of people because they may be sweet and innocent, but one day they turn on you and not only are you left wondering why they did it, you're also left no friends because no one will take your side. Forget that. I'm above such idiocy. I'm above them...I live in my own reality that is much easier to deal with...judgement lays in the hands of God. While there may be evil Christians out there, I'm not one of them, and I'm glad for my faith. There's a lot of things I really don't have to worry about that other people apparently do. I've left my mind for other imaginative things. Forget them. The only problem is that now I can't go to my coffee shop when I really want to. I have to go during the day now. Oh well...I've done that before....

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