Maybe it's not the drugs. Maybe I'm just having a fucked up dream week, because even though I didn't take pain pills, I still had one very fucked up dream.
And it was merely a strange dream until I realized who the people in the dream were. When I did, that made me wake up fully and go, "What the fuck?"
It was a dream about Mr. Asshat and his parents. But not his parents, really. It was the parents of another asshatty friend of mine, someone I lost touch with long ago. His parents were surprisingly normal, and I couldn't understand how they could produce such a jerkwad. And for all his flaws, Mr. Asshat actually is a sweet guy, except for that kicking me in the leg thing. Maybe that's why I connected the two, subconsciously. Because Mr. Asshat's parents, when he talks about them, seem like jerkwads themselves. In some strange way, it makes some sort of sense.
I don't think personality is entirely nurture, given that this happens a lot apparently. Some assholes have really nice parents. Some nice people have asshole parents.
But then there was the gender reassignment surgery for extra what-the-fuckness.
I'd rather go back to day-glo creatures with keyboard-like mouths. That seems less fucked up.
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