Please let my prediction come true.
The vision is that my sister-in-law was surprised by the pregnancy, and has a girl. And after talking with her at length, she was very surprised that she's pregnant.
The other is the dream/vision with being with B. I'd like for that to come true, but it doesn't necessarily have to be. All I want is someone who is not afraid of dancing in a bar, even when no one else is. I had that, for a moment, with Guy Who I Chickened Out On Seeing. I'd hope to see him again, tell a little white lie, and get in his good graces again. Dinner, sushi bar, the one in Mequon. I'm not keen on Saki, but will try - I'm smoker, so alcohol deadens the taste buds even further, so I'll be inclined to skip it. A nonalcoholic evening. Sounds nice.
I am just tired of being alone in this universe.
The conversation that I was kicked for?
"Well, if the ghost appears again, just tell it to go away. People who are dead used to be human and living, you know, so really, just let them know that you're tired. If we're talking about older times, you could get away with visiting when it's rude. Victorians were big on that. 'You're being rude, and I'm sleeping' would be good...." It was a conversation on how to make the ghosties go away. And for that I suffered a punishment not fit for a wizard.
The magic person saw my drawings..."You are a wizard!" she said. Well, yes, I have a staff. And I kicked someone's butt. She knew what I was talking about. What she didn't know was the part about "Oh? So you think you have power? EAT THE IRAQI. Oh, yes, this bomb-charred flesh you eat. Why? Because you and your ilk think it's AWESOME. And because of that, you should eat dead Iraqi." They threw up, they choked, and suddenly, the war is the most unpopular thing here in this country.
I got counter hit with magic. If it had not happened to me, I would not believe it. But it did. The counter hit was very strong, and I actually managed to pull symbols from my attack. I know who did it, and backtracking, I know who I hit.
But in this, it confirms a few things that I've been wondering that I know.
I know there's some kind of Association of Wizards. I always see them, but they don't let me in. I don't know why. Am I unpolished? Female? What? I don't know. Is it my unconventional use of magic? NO IDEA. I do not know if I was trained by an actual Wizard, and turned out to be extrawizardy or if I was trained outside of our own planet. I'm more inclined to think way more Wizard than most, that it's terribly natural and I always fall back on it, but it could be damn near otherworldly.
I feel ghosts. They are always there, my guardians and protectors, the dead, demon or not. And anyone who is willing to marry me has to know this. That I have an otherworldly knowledge of things, and to listen to me when I say so. Because I know what I'm talking about.
There's two men who've listened to me in that state: Ron, and B.
I hope that there's more than them. Because there's a ghost inside me who wants to say I'm sorry, but it doesn't mean I'm sorry....
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