What the fuck has happened to my country?
When the federal leaders blame the state and local officals for the poor response of a disaster that just about everyone, unless they lived on Mars, knew about, years in advance.
When said federal leaders blame officals who pleaded for fucking assistance since August 26? Apparently, states had applied for the State of Emergency status then. Oh, but the paperwork wasn't completed until Thursday after the fucking fucked up disaster. Does it not occur to a single person that the people who shoot at the rescue effort might not have had enough lithium or whathaveyou to see their mental illness through this tragedy? I mean, we're talking about a handful of people, most likely are mentally ill, judged ok to live in society, as long as they have their meds, and since it's mostly likely they don't, shooting at the black helicopters of injustice just makes sense. Not to mention that conditions there are so heartbreaking and vile that any person with an ounce of humanity (which does not include our psychopathic in chief) to crack like a ceadar board for a cheap rendition of a balsa wood airplane. We are dealing with the sad reality of "comapassionate conservitism" and "states rights" right now. This is our future...no help, or little help, from the federal governement because states are supposed to take it over.
Drown in your attics, motherfuckers. We don't care.
I'm sick of people apologizing for the failure of Bush. He's the first president since 1968 to cut funding so low for the maintence of the levees in NO that they couldn't fund the maintence. It's one thing to fund the flood prevention, another to fund the levee maintence. But that overshadows the whole of the Gulf coast. There are so many neighborhoods destroyed. There are so many people who are destroyed.
[Update: Deleted stupid petty rant. I can be a moron at times, especially writing while drunk and emotional.]
I honestly don't care if anyone on earth calls me insensitive anymore. Bush's world is a defeatist world, and only the cynics can survive. I thought, once, that I was that cynical. I can't be. I can't be that cynical when I read of a mother handing her child over to a complete stranger, not sure if she'll see her child again, but with the hope that her child lives...and then crying uncontrollably.
Fuck conservitism. Giving your child up to live is honest and true sacrifce, of the most hearbreaking kind. A few coins to Tim doesn't cover the lifelong devotions that his parents had. It'd be great if he walked again, but they still love him, working legs or no. They would give him up to the total stranger on the bus.
Bush doesn't understand it. You don't have to understand that to respect it, but he doesn't even respect that.
So many layers of wrong, I have outrage overload.
You are not being insensitive, just honest. The whole situation is messed up. No city or State can handle such destruction on this level alone. To cast blame on Louisiana is simply wrong.
Some people went as far as blasting the mayor of NO simply for being "profane" when he was SCREAMING for help. With that line of thinking, yeah it's going to be all their fault. *shoves fingers in ears* LA LA LA LA LA
I love how Bush kept arguing that nobody could see this happening and that nobody thought the levees would break. I burst into laughter at that remark. Either he was flat out lying or he didn't pay attention to the warnings that have been going on for years. And if he is so fucking terrified about terrorist attacks and Iraq, what does this tell the rest of the world? We have no evacuation plans. No plan of action for disaster. No communication between local and state governments with the federal government. We are turning into a federal society YET when shit hits the fan, they immediatly absolve themselves of any responsibility. That's scary.
Don't tell me that you are surprised by Bush's reaction? I believe Bush believes 110% of what he is saying! He's just an idiot.
You know, I think it's all that "faith baised" stuff.
"If we pray harder, It Won't Make Me Look Bad!".
"Let's pray that no one notices I was on vacation!"
I want to think Bush is an idiot of the highest caliber, but there are things that make me think he's not so much an idiot as he a corporate psychopath. I don't have links to it, but go to http://www.slashdot.com and search for it, you'll most likely find the business psychopath site. The site linked to a test that you could look at and judge whether or not your boss was a business psychopath, and let me say, Bush really fits the bill....
Ha, found them:
and: http://www.fastcompany.com/magazine/96/open_boss-quiz.html
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