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Saturday, September 24, 2005
I learned tonight, that if I, with my fatty body and fat ass, cannot ever be held to same standard that thinner women and their smaller asses would ever be held to...
So apparently, having small tits and a small ass, coming from an ex-boyfriend, would actually be an excuse not to hit her. As long as she was attractive, he wouldn't kick her in the leg if she was spiritual...well, now I know what I did wrong. I just wasn't thin enough. Or had small ass/thigh/boobies thing going on. Ah, yes, my fault. My fault that I see through this bullshit. Either you love a woman, because you love her, or you're looking for the perfect 10. If you're looking for "perfect" without the phrase "perfect for you", you're wasting your time. Seriously.
I don't care whether guys are attracted to me or not. Just let me know. A "I'm not into you" is so much better than anything else...and I so wanted that. I even fucking asked ex, in fact, I said, "If you're not attracted to me sexually, then we can't go out. I just want to know." But did I get the truth? Oh, hell no. What the hell? I said it would be okay, but I wouldn't date him, we'd just be friends. Are there guys out there as terribly insecure as girls are? If there are, I would have no idea why......
I learned tonight, that if I, with my fatty body and fat ass, cannot ever be held to same standard that thinner women and their smaller asses would ever be held to...
So apparently, having small tits and a small ass, coming from an ex-boyfriend, would actually be an excuse not to hit her. As long as she was attractive, he wouldn't kick her in the leg if she was spiritual...well, now I know what I did wrong. I just wasn't thin enough. Or had small ass/thigh/boobies thing going on. Ah, yes, my fault. My fault that I see through this bullshit. Either you love a woman, because you love her, or you're looking for the perfect 10. If you're looking for "perfect" without the phrase "perfect for you", you're wasting your time. Seriously.
I don't care whether guys are attracted to me or not. Just let me know. A "I'm not into you" is so much better than anything else...and I so wanted that. I even fucking asked ex, in fact, I said, "If you're not attracted to me sexually, then we can't go out. I just want to know." But did I get the truth? Oh, hell no. What the hell? I said it would be okay, but I wouldn't date him, we'd just be friends. Are there guys out there as terribly insecure as girls are? If there are, I would have no idea why......
Thursday, September 22, 2005
Just a note.
Dear TypeKey:
Who is the retarded one? You or me? Becuase I can never sign into a typekey account, even though it admonishes me that I have to log out before logging in, and if I'm logged in, then why the hell can't I comment?
Pandagon, bitches, in Atrios fashion.
I used to visit there every once in a while, but when Amanda came on board, well, I check the damn thing every day. As a very long time lurker, and hideously infrequent commenter, I love the site. It's made me think through quite a few things in my life. That maybe I'm not so weird and paranoid as I thought I was. Good work! And any man who needles deserves Extreme Accupunture, probably soon to appear in a Weekly World News near you!
And yes, will be putting up the poliblog once I have some free time from the crap ass job and stuff.
Until then, keep firing, Assholes!
(It really all comes down to Spaceballs, for me at least. Hahahahaha.)
Dear TypeKey:
Who is the retarded one? You or me? Becuase I can never sign into a typekey account, even though it admonishes me that I have to log out before logging in, and if I'm logged in, then why the hell can't I comment?
Pandagon, bitches, in Atrios fashion.
I used to visit there every once in a while, but when Amanda came on board, well, I check the damn thing every day. As a very long time lurker, and hideously infrequent commenter, I love the site. It's made me think through quite a few things in my life. That maybe I'm not so weird and paranoid as I thought I was. Good work! And any man who needles deserves Extreme Accupunture, probably soon to appear in a Weekly World News near you!
And yes, will be putting up the poliblog once I have some free time from the crap ass job and stuff.
Until then, keep firing, Assholes!
(It really all comes down to Spaceballs, for me at least. Hahahahaha.)
Thursday, September 08, 2005
With outrage overload comes humor:
I forgot about a site that was rather funny. Since most of (I presume, by comments -- but any kind of people, if any reading this -- can prove me wrong!) the people who read this are female, I laughed for, like OMG, 20 mintues after I read this:
"OHMIGOD, like, Iron Hymen taught me to respect myself way too much to ever let some hairy creep hock man-lugies on my Godly cervix like it's some gross subway platform!"
If you ever vistited abstinance only sites, that one sentence pretty much sums it up.
I smirk at the abstinence only fools. Why? I didn't have sex until I was about 20, 21, and wasn't going to have sex until I met someone that I really cared about. If you think sex in any form is horribleicky and you can't refer to the relevant parts of your body as hymen, vulva, vagina, clitoris, uterus, fallopian tubes, or ovaries, you have a serious problem. If you have no idea what any of these structures of your body (if you are female, of course) are, then you need help (and maybe, if you're male, not a bad idea to know what they are). Seriously. There is a very, very small portion that really, really doesn't want to have sex. If you don't want to have sex at all, in any form, with anybody, and have absolutely no desire to, ask your doctor. Maybe it's medications...or it could be something else altogether. But if you have problems with the relevant terms for your body, you may need professional help. I've known a few people who in the past snickered at clinical terms for body parts, only to find out later that they suffered some kind of trauma...abuse or just shaming of those body parts.
I read The Vagina Monolouges. It wasn't earth-shattering to me. Apparently, it is to some women. But then again, I did grow up with a mom who made sure I knew the basics. However, I think it came from some "Not My Daughter" sense than anything so many things, it was on the edge, never talked about, but hinted at...."a car, the neighbor....".
That is why I can enjoy the privelige of laughing at that site. Some women have to go through so much more that it's either not a joke or something so horrible and twisted that they can't get themselves out of. I want to take all of those women in such a protective hug and then swear and curse at those who dared do what they did, Bar Mouse style, that they think twice about who can and can't wear pants. Sometimes a verbal castration leaves marks that a physical one can't.
Can I be violent? Oh, yes. But since I was 10, I knew it wasn't healthy to take it out on people. And I won't. But that doesn't mean I won't get "stompin'" mad, or beat the hell out of the table to make my point. You may think agressiveness is reserved soley for men; sadly it's not. And I admire a guy on principle who will hit the table and not the nearest women (as long as he doesn't hit any woman, whatsoever). When drunk, that, for certain people (myself included) is restraint. The only time it gets bad is when I'm hurt.
I follow astrology in the sense that sometimes The Onion's astrologies are much more intuned to me than actual and serious astrologies. I find it more amusing than anything else. But oddly, I do identify with one thing: The Passion of Scorpio. Maybe it's true, maybe it's not. When I get angry, hoo-boy, watch out. But I'm a patient passive agressive; no, wait correct that -- I voice things that get no attention. A friend once told me that I had to be more secretive -- a guy who's been divorced 3, 4 times. I never once was secretive and I landed what I considered at that time to be good a guy. And he was. For awhile. But the thing is, I don't want to be that elusive secretive person. I am who I am, changes sometimes from one moment to the next.
Does ANYONE need secrecy above and beyond apparent mutiple personalities? I don't want to date a guy who can't live with all aspects of me. I'm not going to put on some fake show of "I'll be your bitch" -- I saw what that did for my cousin; I'm not that way and will never be, and if guys don't like the fact that I may bitch-slap them with anything, I don't care. Love me, like me, hate me....I don't care.
But I do care about those less fortunate than I. That includes a lot of people. There's someone in our great America going, "I was in New Orleans a month before this happened..."
I may not have been a resident of New York, but when you ask the person you were going to marry to take you to the one place in their hometown that they wanted to take the person that they were going to marry to, and it turned out to be the absolutely perfect place for them to take you to, and it happened to be in the month before the place ceased to exist, you too would feel really odd about it. And that was just NY. I'm sure that there were dozens who thought of that, about NOLA . I can identify a whole lot more with that person. But that doesn't mean that I can't imagine what it would be like to evacuate my segregated city facing diaster. I know what I would take and what I could live without. Renter's insurance is nice. Take only what I really need and value (some clothing, some pictures, and my 'puter, this decided after a fire my family went through). The rest is just stuff. Would I have packed as many people as I could have into my car? Hell yes. With preference for mom and babies. (Worked in a private day care, can amuse babies. And a hell of a lot better than working at my stressful job.)
What does this have to do about anything? I am tired of people waving flags and not really knowing what they're waving them for...or worse, they're waving them for a yankee guy who pretends he's a redneck from Texas. I'm tired of people who claim they know the bible, but apparently forgot all of those "Love thy neighbor", "pay Ceasar what is due Ceasar", "'tis harder for a rich man to pass through the eye of a needle" passages from that liberal pinko Jesus and his liberal pinko book, the Bible.
I'd like to see Bush dropped in NOLA, right before the storm hit, no cash, no VP, no Rove to get him out, knowing that he'd get socked with winds and vertical rain and storm surges and levees overtopped and breaking. Dead bodies floating past, slamming into the Gulf. Would he still cry for the oil rigs? Would there still be the photo ops?
But given his mom, I almost think that recent issue of The Onion sums it up.
And you know what else? All I want to do, is go down to the shelters, with toys and books, and amuse children all day. Know why? Mom needs it. Really, she most likely does.
Think about that. Daycares in the Red Cross shelters. Woudn't that be something?
I forgot about a site that was rather funny. Since most of (I presume, by comments -- but any kind of people, if any reading this -- can prove me wrong!) the people who read this are female, I laughed for, like OMG, 20 mintues after I read this:
"OHMIGOD, like, Iron Hymen taught me to respect myself way too much to ever let some hairy creep hock man-lugies on my Godly cervix like it's some gross subway platform!"
If you ever vistited abstinance only sites, that one sentence pretty much sums it up.
I smirk at the abstinence only fools. Why? I didn't have sex until I was about 20, 21, and wasn't going to have sex until I met someone that I really cared about. If you think sex in any form is horribleicky and you can't refer to the relevant parts of your body as hymen, vulva, vagina, clitoris, uterus, fallopian tubes, or ovaries, you have a serious problem. If you have no idea what any of these structures of your body (if you are female, of course) are, then you need help (and maybe, if you're male, not a bad idea to know what they are). Seriously. There is a very, very small portion that really, really doesn't want to have sex. If you don't want to have sex at all, in any form, with anybody, and have absolutely no desire to, ask your doctor. Maybe it's medications...or it could be something else altogether. But if you have problems with the relevant terms for your body, you may need professional help. I've known a few people who in the past snickered at clinical terms for body parts, only to find out later that they suffered some kind of trauma...abuse or just shaming of those body parts.
I read The Vagina Monolouges. It wasn't earth-shattering to me. Apparently, it is to some women. But then again, I did grow up with a mom who made sure I knew the basics. However, I think it came from some "Not My Daughter" sense than anything so many things, it was on the edge, never talked about, but hinted at...."a car, the neighbor....".
That is why I can enjoy the privelige of laughing at that site. Some women have to go through so much more that it's either not a joke or something so horrible and twisted that they can't get themselves out of. I want to take all of those women in such a protective hug and then swear and curse at those who dared do what they did, Bar Mouse style, that they think twice about who can and can't wear pants. Sometimes a verbal castration leaves marks that a physical one can't.
Can I be violent? Oh, yes. But since I was 10, I knew it wasn't healthy to take it out on people. And I won't. But that doesn't mean I won't get "stompin'" mad, or beat the hell out of the table to make my point. You may think agressiveness is reserved soley for men; sadly it's not. And I admire a guy on principle who will hit the table and not the nearest women (as long as he doesn't hit any woman, whatsoever). When drunk, that, for certain people (myself included) is restraint. The only time it gets bad is when I'm hurt.
I follow astrology in the sense that sometimes The Onion's astrologies are much more intuned to me than actual and serious astrologies. I find it more amusing than anything else. But oddly, I do identify with one thing: The Passion of Scorpio. Maybe it's true, maybe it's not. When I get angry, hoo-boy, watch out. But I'm a patient passive agressive; no, wait correct that -- I voice things that get no attention. A friend once told me that I had to be more secretive -- a guy who's been divorced 3, 4 times. I never once was secretive and I landed what I considered at that time to be good a guy. And he was. For awhile. But the thing is, I don't want to be that elusive secretive person. I am who I am, changes sometimes from one moment to the next.
Does ANYONE need secrecy above and beyond apparent mutiple personalities? I don't want to date a guy who can't live with all aspects of me. I'm not going to put on some fake show of "I'll be your bitch" -- I saw what that did for my cousin; I'm not that way and will never be, and if guys don't like the fact that I may bitch-slap them with anything, I don't care. Love me, like me, hate me....I don't care.
But I do care about those less fortunate than I. That includes a lot of people. There's someone in our great America going, "I was in New Orleans a month before this happened..."
I may not have been a resident of New York, but when you ask the person you were going to marry to take you to the one place in their hometown that they wanted to take the person that they were going to marry to, and it turned out to be the absolutely perfect place for them to take you to, and it happened to be in the month before the place ceased to exist, you too would feel really odd about it. And that was just NY. I'm sure that there were dozens who thought of that, about NOLA . I can identify a whole lot more with that person. But that doesn't mean that I can't imagine what it would be like to evacuate my segregated city facing diaster. I know what I would take and what I could live without. Renter's insurance is nice. Take only what I really need and value (some clothing, some pictures, and my 'puter, this decided after a fire my family went through). The rest is just stuff. Would I have packed as many people as I could have into my car? Hell yes. With preference for mom and babies. (Worked in a private day care, can amuse babies. And a hell of a lot better than working at my stressful job.)
What does this have to do about anything? I am tired of people waving flags and not really knowing what they're waving them for...or worse, they're waving them for a yankee guy who pretends he's a redneck from Texas. I'm tired of people who claim they know the bible, but apparently forgot all of those "Love thy neighbor", "pay Ceasar what is due Ceasar", "'tis harder for a rich man to pass through the eye of a needle" passages from that liberal pinko Jesus and his liberal pinko book, the Bible.
I'd like to see Bush dropped in NOLA, right before the storm hit, no cash, no VP, no Rove to get him out, knowing that he'd get socked with winds and vertical rain and storm surges and levees overtopped and breaking. Dead bodies floating past, slamming into the Gulf. Would he still cry for the oil rigs? Would there still be the photo ops?
But given his mom, I almost think that recent issue of The Onion sums it up.
And you know what else? All I want to do, is go down to the shelters, with toys and books, and amuse children all day. Know why? Mom needs it. Really, she most likely does.
Think about that. Daycares in the Red Cross shelters. Woudn't that be something?
Monday, September 05, 2005
What the fuck has happened to my country?
When the federal leaders blame the state and local officals for the poor response of a disaster that just about everyone, unless they lived on Mars, knew about, years in advance.
When said federal leaders blame officals who pleaded for fucking assistance since August 26? Apparently, states had applied for the State of Emergency status then. Oh, but the paperwork wasn't completed until Thursday after the fucking fucked up disaster. Does it not occur to a single person that the people who shoot at the rescue effort might not have had enough lithium or whathaveyou to see their mental illness through this tragedy? I mean, we're talking about a handful of people, most likely are mentally ill, judged ok to live in society, as long as they have their meds, and since it's mostly likely they don't, shooting at the black helicopters of injustice just makes sense. Not to mention that conditions there are so heartbreaking and vile that any person with an ounce of humanity (which does not include our psychopathic in chief) to crack like a ceadar board for a cheap rendition of a balsa wood airplane. We are dealing with the sad reality of "comapassionate conservitism" and "states rights" right now. This is our help, or little help, from the federal governement because states are supposed to take it over.
Drown in your attics, motherfuckers. We don't care.
I'm sick of people apologizing for the failure of Bush. He's the first president since 1968 to cut funding so low for the maintence of the levees in NO that they couldn't fund the maintence. It's one thing to fund the flood prevention, another to fund the levee maintence. But that overshadows the whole of the Gulf coast. There are so many neighborhoods destroyed. There are so many people who are destroyed.
[Update: Deleted stupid petty rant. I can be a moron at times, especially writing while drunk and emotional.]
I honestly don't care if anyone on earth calls me insensitive anymore. Bush's world is a defeatist world, and only the cynics can survive. I thought, once, that I was that cynical. I can't be. I can't be that cynical when I read of a mother handing her child over to a complete stranger, not sure if she'll see her child again, but with the hope that her child lives...and then crying uncontrollably.
Fuck conservitism. Giving your child up to live is honest and true sacrifce, of the most hearbreaking kind. A few coins to Tim doesn't cover the lifelong devotions that his parents had. It'd be great if he walked again, but they still love him, working legs or no. They would give him up to the total stranger on the bus.
Bush doesn't understand it. You don't have to understand that to respect it, but he doesn't even respect that.
So many layers of wrong, I have outrage overload.
What the fuck has happened to my country?
When the federal leaders blame the state and local officals for the poor response of a disaster that just about everyone, unless they lived on Mars, knew about, years in advance.
When said federal leaders blame officals who pleaded for fucking assistance since August 26? Apparently, states had applied for the State of Emergency status then. Oh, but the paperwork wasn't completed until Thursday after the fucking fucked up disaster. Does it not occur to a single person that the people who shoot at the rescue effort might not have had enough lithium or whathaveyou to see their mental illness through this tragedy? I mean, we're talking about a handful of people, most likely are mentally ill, judged ok to live in society, as long as they have their meds, and since it's mostly likely they don't, shooting at the black helicopters of injustice just makes sense. Not to mention that conditions there are so heartbreaking and vile that any person with an ounce of humanity (which does not include our psychopathic in chief) to crack like a ceadar board for a cheap rendition of a balsa wood airplane. We are dealing with the sad reality of "comapassionate conservitism" and "states rights" right now. This is our help, or little help, from the federal governement because states are supposed to take it over.
Drown in your attics, motherfuckers. We don't care.
I'm sick of people apologizing for the failure of Bush. He's the first president since 1968 to cut funding so low for the maintence of the levees in NO that they couldn't fund the maintence. It's one thing to fund the flood prevention, another to fund the levee maintence. But that overshadows the whole of the Gulf coast. There are so many neighborhoods destroyed. There are so many people who are destroyed.
[Update: Deleted stupid petty rant. I can be a moron at times, especially writing while drunk and emotional.]
I honestly don't care if anyone on earth calls me insensitive anymore. Bush's world is a defeatist world, and only the cynics can survive. I thought, once, that I was that cynical. I can't be. I can't be that cynical when I read of a mother handing her child over to a complete stranger, not sure if she'll see her child again, but with the hope that her child lives...and then crying uncontrollably.
Fuck conservitism. Giving your child up to live is honest and true sacrifce, of the most hearbreaking kind. A few coins to Tim doesn't cover the lifelong devotions that his parents had. It'd be great if he walked again, but they still love him, working legs or no. They would give him up to the total stranger on the bus.
Bush doesn't understand it. You don't have to understand that to respect it, but he doesn't even respect that.
So many layers of wrong, I have outrage overload.
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