Saturday, June 18, 2005

Please don't judge...

someone because of my dealings with them.

Dear Mr AssHat.

You get defensive when I point out anything wrong with you. You yell at me, you insult me, and well, I guess that's okay. I may get like that.

But that doesn't change the fact that you are an out-and-out asshole.

Women run away from you, not because you're geeky, but because you're an asshole. If I was smarter than I was, I would have realized that a lot sooner, and left your ass hangning. But no. I am the "fucking moron" who didn't realize that you were a snob. What was that you said? "Oh, hello. Yeah, I'm a snob." You know what? I knew your kind, when I went to grade school. Oh, pity you, teased for being a geek. Oh, let me shed a tear. I almost feel sorry for you.

So. Let's say that everyday from 3rd to 7th grade went like this:

Go to school. While waiting for school to begin, someone hovers over you, and calls you a) a dyke, b) a slut, c) a fat-ass whale that couldn't even get through the straight of Alaska and finally d) the biiiiigggggest loooooooooooser on the faaaaaaaace of this plaaaaaaaaaaanet. Every school day.

Get into school. Not only is a-d repteated, but more insults. Oh, and how dare you answer a question right -- even though you've contracted a mysterious illness that has kept you out of school for weeks, and no one would bring you your homework, and you still manage to figure out the answer to the math problem. Repeat a-d again, plus the added insults, oh, and add even more to that.

Lunch. No one looks at you. You are insignifigant. You are scum. Plus a-d, and all of the forty-two insults from the beginning of the day. You are nothing.

Back into school. At least the class clown is clowning around, and a few precious moments are spent laughing at someone else. But then, it's back to you, as you are the Looooooser of the Eeeeeaaarth.

Once school is over, then you have to make the arduous trek home, where people will throw things at you, a) because people from your school have told everyone else in the school district how you're a-d, and then some, and b) you're wearing a Catholic school uniform.

You fucking snob. Do you even know what's it's like not to be there. No, you don't, given that you're a goddamn snob. You insult my intelligence, just by talking to me. You have no fucking clue what the real world and its true harshness is like. Have you ever really worked a day in your life, that wasn't handed to you a silver platter? Asshole.

Oh, I'm sorry, was that me being judgemental? I know I'm female and all, so I guess it was just a simpleton mistake....

I won't speak to you agian. I won't make that mistake twice.


Anonymous said...

You know, part of the whole AssHat sitation has helped to open the floodgates of anger. I'm angry at him for what he said about being a snob. I'm angry at all the times he said or did something that upset or hurt you. I'm angry at him for kissing me that one time and making me feel uncomfortable. I'm angry at him for being an asshole. I'm angry at his parents for not cutting him off a long time ago. I'm angry that you had to put in a disclaimer as the opening sentence.

I'm not trying to make this post about me, really. I'm just realizing that there are more men out there that are like that then I ever cared to pay attention or notice before. Because if I noticed it, I would get pissed. Not all men are like that of course. But enough to make me want to grab a flamethrower. Rat bastard motherfuckers.

I won't even get started on women. I hate most of them as well. Except you of course, heh.

Anonymous said...

Oh yes and I hated St. Roberts school and 99% of the assholes that went there. Ok, enough with the hate. I love pie.