And so...
I guess my adoring audience is getting bored. When you get emails and conversations that revolve around "Write something", it's time to write something. So here goes....
I'm such a riot. Real knee slapping fun.
I'm slightly happier now than I was before. Boys tend to do that to you. I like this one. He takes up a lot of time, makes me read his books, and tries to explain to me the problems of interstellar space travel although I have no aptitude for physics and math. But I will listen because it's for a book he wants to write...and like I haven't bored enough people with my book ideas. Speaking of, I may not write a lot on here because another idea is developing for one and I might have to write it down. I have had inspiration. Funny how that is.
And now I'm off slacking, because I'm a slacker at heart. Been working too hard. Ugh. Well, at least I get paid for it.
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