Sunday, October 06, 2002


My horoscope from

Venus in your own sign turns retrograde over the course of this week which means that you will be looking back at the past, and specifically at any emotional issues that may seem to arise out of the swamps to greet you once again. These will certainly involve people and problems that you might have thought you had laid to rest, only to discover that they are back to haunt you. Do something positive this time, you certainly will have long enough to do so. Be prepared to look inside yourself and see where your attitude in relationships could be more tolerant and understanding. If you make the corrections within yourself then everything will clear up on the outside as well. There are also some interesting issues arising in terms of your social life and current friends. Both Mercury and Mars in Virgo are squaring Saturn, which may temporarily bring about a situation in which you find yourself having to cut your losses as far as one friendship or perhaps group is concerned. You have probably known this was going to happen for some time now, so it won't be a surprise, but may be a little sad, as saying goodbye is never easy. Jupiter in your career house makes a wonderful trine with Pluto, which means that you can't put a foot wrong. Your career and image are blossoming.

Interesting. This one, I think, may have something there....

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