"Hey, Mr. Bartender...
...please don't be so slow, I got time for one more round and a six pack to go...."
"Six Pack To Go" by Hank Thompson
I've been feeling better since Monday. Really, I have. Classic Country Music Night -- that's all I need say. Oh, and someone gave me a copy of the "standards" of the classic country tunes (the songs that the four die-hard, A-plus students love). The CD's that got stolen were some of my soothing pick me up music like "Blow Up The Outside World" (Soundgarden) and "Heart Shaped Box" (Nirvana). Yes, I realize those are depressing songs...but that's what cheers me up. When I say, "depressing fun", I mean it. I love depressing music. Nothing makes me feel happier or cheers me up more than a good, depressing, hopless tune. And there's nothing more depressing than depressing classic country music. I do like regular music, and that makes me feel good too, but nothing makes me as euphorically happy as the depressing stuff. It's like a drug to me...some people need booze, cigs, heroin; I need depressing music. My life is hopeless and sinking if I don't get music. If you think sobbing uncontrollably, swearing, cursing God and every person I could think of, while beating the hell out of my car with a shovel is a sign of a problem, you could be right...but this is me we are talking about. If I'm that high strung over an exam and my life in general, I don't even want to contemplate what life without music would be like. I probably would have done something worse. As a friend said on Monday, "You look like you could take out a McDonald's." No, not really, but without music...who knows? I know it sounds crazy, but it is true...and there's a lot of people who don't understand just how much I like music.
On the same token, I try not to criticize someone's choice of music. I may not like it, but music is a preference and not a doorway into the soul. (I had a friend who would've disagreed with this. Of course, he didn't understand that a person could like a song just because it sounds good. That's not a doorway into the soul; that's a personal preference.) If I don't like your choice in music, I will say so, and I think that's enough. However, I know people who are so offended if you don't like their music, they will insult you. And they seem to think that only their music is the best music in the whole world and everything else is the worst music that they've ever heard. I hate that. All music is music, and it's your choice to listen to the selections that you prefer. And what I listen to may not be what you listen to -- but don't insult me or get insulted because of it. It's just music. There are so many other reasons to insult or dislike or hate someone that using music as a reason is rather silly and trivial. I'd rather just hate someone because they're rascist, rude, moronic, or brainwashed by society. I'll get off my soapbox now about this, but next time you're going to start a fight with someone over the artistic integrity of Britney Spears, just remember that it's a preference, and you're walking into an arguement without an end. Unless you're like me, and you like to start crazy arguements. I'm known for that. ;)
Anyway, just thought I'd write about some music...always keep an open mind about it. You may discover that you actually like what you thought you hated. I know I did.
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